Dear Mr.Kilmer ( Chapter 3 )


After a few weeks,Mrs.Hansen came to the class with a saddening news on how some irresponsible citizens harassed Hannah's family.To show their sympathy,she wanted the whole class to sign a card expressing their sorry to Hannah's family.However,she got more dissapointed because only Richard who signed the card.Most of the students who wanted to sign the card were afraid to do so because they might get bullied by Abner and Harry or be unfriended by popular girls like Peggy Mason and Blance.So,before going home,Richard asked from Mrs.Hansen to deliver the card on his behalf to Hannah's family when he got there.He was shocked to see the ugly sight of the tarvern done by people from his town. He tried to give the card to Hannah but she refused because she said that her mother thought people were just mean eventhough her father disgraced.Richard still wanted Hannah to pass along the card to her patients.Then,on his way home,he stopped to climb up an oak tree to look at a passing train.he saw everyone on the train happy and smiling .He wondered if any if those people had done the terrible thing to Hannah's family.He also had a thought of running away but he could not because of his family.Later when he was about to reach home,his sister,Angie told him that a letter came in from New York.He knew whom it was from .


  • Peggy Mason - Blanch's best friend,tall and pretty.