Dear Mr.Kilmer ( Chapter 2 )


    It was already April and the news the US joining the war against Germany came.It was also spiring and Richard and Gus could go to school freely.At school,Gus did more sports than studying while Richard excelled very well at studying.He enjoyed History and English classes.One morning,her English teacher,Mrs Hansen decided to read out a poem to the whole class but while doing so,some troublemakers such as Abner Lewis and Harry Carver interrupted he.Abner said that poetry was not manly but Mrs.Hansen proved him by telling him that a lot of poets were very brave and patriotic.Even some of them were troublemakers too.

   After class,Richard met Mrs Hansen and she lent him the book by Mr.Kilmer.Richard secretly took the address of where Mr.Kilmer worked and went out the class.Outside,he found Hannah Schemer crying while holding her scrawled book.She was called " Dirty Hun" on the book .Richard tried to console her but she just left him.

  Then,Richard caught up with Blanche Freebold,Abner Lewis and Henry Carver.All three of them were talking bad things about Hannah and her family.Richard was not happy so he went home alone.After doing his chores,he went up to his room and read Trees and other poems.Halfway through the book,he decided to write to Mr.Kilmer .In the letter, he praised Mr.Kilmer for his bravery and asked his opinion on what he should do about his own poetry interest.Expecting no reply,he still mailed out the letters.


  • Classroom ( studying Mr.Kilmer's poetry )
  • Outside classroom ( Hannah crying )
  • Richard's room ( reading the book and writing a letter to Mr.Kilmer

  • Bravery
  • Courage

Moral Values
  1. We must not be ashamed of who we are.
  2. Respect others.