Learning Area 5 [ Programming ]



A computer program is a series of organised instructions to directs computers to perform tasks.


Progamming is a creating of a set of commands or instrcitions which directs a computer in carrying out a task.


A programming language is a language used for writing computer codes to direct a computer to perfom tasks.


There are five generation of programming language :

  1. First generation - machine language
  2. Second generation - assembly language
  3. Third generation - high-level language ; example COBOL,BASIC,C
  4. Fourth generation - very high - level language ; example SQL,Intellect,NOMAD,FOCUS
  5. Fifth generation - natural language example Prolog and Mercury Identify the generation of low -level programming language with example 

The first generation of programming language, or 1 GL

> Machine language is a set of instructions and data that a computer's central processing unit can execute directly. 

Example ; machine language

The second generation programming language . or 2GL

> Assembly language is the human-readable notation for the machine language used to control specific computer operations .

Example ; assembly language  Identify the generation of high-level programming language with example

The third generation of programming language , 3 GL

> High-level programming languages make complex programming simpler and easier to read,write and maintain.Programs written in a high-level programming language must be translated into machine language by a compiler or intepreter.


The fourth generation programming language or 4GL

> A very high-level programming language is often referred to as goal-oriented programming language because it iss usually limited to a very specific application and it might use syntax that is never used in other programming languages.

Example ; SQL,NOMAD,Intellect and FOCUS

The fifth generation programming language or 5GL

> Visual progamming language is also known as natural language.Fifth generation programming languages allows people to interact with computers wihout needing any specialised knowledge.

Example ; Prolog,LISP and Mercury

5.1.3 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE APPROACHES Define structured approach in programming.

Structured Approach is a computer programming technique in which the program is divided into modules like function ,subroutine and procedure.

Examples of structured programming languages include Ada,Pascal and Fotran. Define object-oriented approach in programming.

The object-oriented approach refers to a special type of programming approach that combines data with functions to create objects.

Examples of OOP languages are Smalltalk,Java,Visual Basic and C++. Diffretiate between structured approach and object-oriented approach in programming.

5.1.4 TRANSLATOR Describe the translation method of progamming using interpreter and compiler.


Learning Area 4 [ Multimedia ]


Multimedia means the presentation of information by using a combination of texts,graphics,audio,video,and animation.

Multimedia is an interactive communication process that uses an integration of five element such as text,audio,graphic,video and animation.



  • Education and Training
  • Entertainment
  • Scientific Research
  • Business
  • Art
  • Medicine
  • Engineering

Diffrentiate between the characteristic of linear and non-linear multimedia.

4.1.4 MEDIUM OF DELIVERY Compare and contrast the mediums of delivery for multimedia application.



  • Text
  • Graphic
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Animation



Scanners are used to convert conventional images,texts,drawings, and photos into digital form taht can be understood by the computer.

Digital Video Camera 

Records video in digital signals,which can be stored in various forms of media,such as digital video tape or memory cards.

Digital Camera

Images are captured on a roll of film.In a digital camera, images are stored in media card.

Audio Device

Audio devices are needed to record analog sound.The sounds are then changed into digital sound.

4.2.2 EDITING SOFTWARE FOR MULTIMEDIA Identify editing software that can be used to produce multimedia elements :

- Note pad
- Microsoft Word
- Open Office Writer

-Microsoft Paint 
-Adobe Photoshop
-Corel Draw

-Macromedia Flash
-Magic Morp

-Sound Recorder
-Sony Sound Forge
-Adobe Audition 

-Adobe Premier
- Pinnacle Studio
- Ulead MediStudio Pro

4.2.3  AUTHORING TOOL CONCEPT  Define the various concepts in authoring tools :


Dear Mr.Kilmer ( Chapter 3 )


After a few weeks,Mrs.Hansen came to the class with a saddening news on how some irresponsible citizens harassed Hannah's family.To show their sympathy,she wanted the whole class to sign a card expressing their sorry to Hannah's family.However,she got more dissapointed because only Richard who signed the card.Most of the students who wanted to sign the card were afraid to do so because they might get bullied by Abner and Harry or be unfriended by popular girls like Peggy Mason and Blance.So,before going home,Richard asked from Mrs.Hansen to deliver the card on his behalf to Hannah's family when he got there.He was shocked to see the ugly sight of the tarvern done by people from his town. He tried to give the card to Hannah but she refused because she said that her mother thought people were just mean eventhough her father disgraced.Richard still wanted Hannah to pass along the card to her patients.Then,on his way home,he stopped to climb up an oak tree to look at a passing train.he saw everyone on the train happy and smiling .He wondered if any if those people had done the terrible thing to Hannah's family.He also had a thought of running away but he could not because of his family.Later when he was about to reach home,his sister,Angie told him that a letter came in from New York.He knew whom it was from .


  • Peggy Mason - Blanch's best friend,tall and pretty.


Dear Mr.Kilmer ( Chapter 2 )


    It was already April and the news the US joining the war against Germany came.It was also spiring and Richard and Gus could go to school freely.At school,Gus did more sports than studying while Richard excelled very well at studying.He enjoyed History and English classes.One morning,her English teacher,Mrs Hansen decided to read out a poem to the whole class but while doing so,some troublemakers such as Abner Lewis and Harry Carver interrupted he.Abner said that poetry was not manly but Mrs.Hansen proved him by telling him that a lot of poets were very brave and patriotic.Even some of them were troublemakers too.

   After class,Richard met Mrs Hansen and she lent him the book by Mr.Kilmer.Richard secretly took the address of where Mr.Kilmer worked and went out the class.Outside,he found Hannah Schemer crying while holding her scrawled book.She was called " Dirty Hun" on the book .Richard tried to console her but she just left him.

  Then,Richard caught up with Blanche Freebold,Abner Lewis and Henry Carver.All three of them were talking bad things about Hannah and her family.Richard was not happy so he went home alone.After doing his chores,he went up to his room and read Trees and other poems.Halfway through the book,he decided to write to Mr.Kilmer .In the letter, he praised Mr.Kilmer for his bravery and asked his opinion on what he should do about his own poetry interest.Expecting no reply,he still mailed out the letters.


  • Classroom ( studying Mr.Kilmer's poetry )
  • Outside classroom ( Hannah crying )
  • Richard's room ( reading the book and writing a letter to Mr.Kilmer

  • Bravery
  • Courage

Moral Values
  1. We must not be ashamed of who we are.
  2. Respect others.



2016 Class Photo *

The time has come. We are going to face trial next week [ 15 August 16' ] . I can't imagine how nervous I am going to be but let us hope for the best.It is impossible to achieve A+ from G but you can score even better than previous one is not?

I can't tell whether I am ready or not.But the time is wait for no one, I should do better , not the best. That is what I can say. My mindset is not as good as others, everyone has their own target, I have mine.From today, I am sorry for things I have done might hurt your feelings. Today is history, tomorrow mystery.I love my second family so much , I am glad we actually made it through thick and thin even we had different opinions about things. We are going to do this!

Losers focus on winners,Winners focus on winning.
Good luck lads, I hope we can score in flying colours.


Dear Mr. Kilmer ( Form 5 Literature ) Chapter 1


  Richard,father and Gus went hunting after the heavy snow had stopped.They went to their hunting cabin and stayed there.On Sunday morning before sunrise, the three of them went down the river and found a pool where deer came to drink.They hid to wait for a deer to come.Richard was nervous because his father wanted him to shoot his first deer. A deer come to the pool and his father instructed Richard to shoot instead of his brother.Richard could not kill the animal and he missed the shot.Gus was angry and wanted to shoot the deer but Pa stopped him. Pa told them that they were leaving and sometimes hunters missed their shot.Richard's father asked him why he left the buck go on purpose and he told him that he didn't like to kill animal and that he didn't like killing rabbit before.Pa told him that death is a part of life and that Pa also felt some grief after killing. Pa told Richard not to come hunting anymore if he didn't want to. Richard went back to the cabin and gave him some advice.Gus wanted Richard to be in sports and fit in with others.Richard asked Gus how he felt killing animal and Gus told him that he felt no remorse at all.Then,Richard knew that Pa and Gus had different feelings about hunting and killing animal.When their father comeback.They started walking back home and talked about war in europe since 1914.Gus wanted to join the army but Pa said that without education , you went nowhere but after school they could do whatever they wanted to do.That night at dinner while Pa and Gus wer talking about sports,boxing in general,Richard went to the kitchen to help his sister,Angie.He felt sad and pitiful that Angie had to stop school and stayed at home as full time farm's woman organising the house and helping with the farm. However Angie said that it was her duty and father was a difficult man because he lost two people in his life.After that,Richard went up to his room and he remembered the first time he went hunting with Pa, Gus and Grandpa.When granpa killed a deer,Richard tried his best not to cry.To take away the sadness,he wrote a poem.

My crayons made it white and brown,
Nature made it shy,
God made it fleet of food,
But Grandpa made it die.

Richard felt better after writing down the poem and then he kept at his poetry .No one knew Richard wrote poetry and he did not want them to know because to them he already strange.


Time : The early morning, February ,War raging 1914.

Place : Tiny hunting cabin, near the pool in the forest , Prairie,Dining room,Kitchen.

Human vs nature
Family Relationship

Moral values
  1. We must appreciate the nature by protecting in anyway possible
  2. We have to accept our family members for who they are


Raya 2016


"And it all comes down to that last person you think about before you sleep" . So it had been 3 years we celebrated raya in our school together. ' Awesome Bros ' is our group name which created for two or three years back then. We had been through a lot together, the things that i missed the most when we went to KL together for PT3 trip, I did interview one of my friends haha.

We are now SPM canditates for this year which is 2016 . I hope my friends and I managed to get results with flying colours. If we cannot get one, there will be more in future waiting for us.

We will be missing our school years, we have months left hence there will be traveling after SPM with these guys ! After school the one who you will miss probaly memories with friends the most, not your loves stories.


15' Momentous moments




KRS 2015

This picture was captured last year, I am not proud of being KRS but I would say I am into adventure. I love being part of this camp which it was held on April 21st 15' at Pahang. I did so many new things, we had a good experience and some interesting and bad things happened to us.

So the girls from our state involved in the incident. It was flying fox session for them, one of facilitators in charge did gave a sign towards the other one at the bottom. But it was noon that day and he did not see the sign clearly. The girl at the bottom did not get rid out the safety equipment on time so the other girl was ' flying ' towards her and crushed. Both of them were injured badly.

We ,boys did not have any chance to do flying fox! Haha, I did not blame them but we understand the situation.The one I love the most absolutely marching. I joined the march since I did not good at these rope things.We are not as good as others because they were really performed well. We did our best though. We enjoyed it, our bond getting stronger.

I hope I can mee all of them , my mates, my friends.

17th April. 15'


About Me

Hazwan Faiz

Hey guys, first thing first I would like to introduce myself, My full name is Muhammad Hazwan Faiz bin Zulkifli. I'm 17 years old [ 2016 ] , I was born in Kedah and lived in Perlis. English is not my first language so it will be not as good as others.For enquiries you can contact me at hazwanfaiz21@gmail.com.